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Look: Stetson Bennett Responds To Criticism From TV Personality

Georgia Bulldogs QB Stetson Bennett

Georgia quarterback Stetson Bennett didn't hold back in his Twitter exchange with an Atlanta-based television and radio personality.

Stetson Bennett's college football career is finally over. But the Georgia quarterback managed to be nit-picked by a member of the media one final time for something he did in Athens over the weekend.

Steak Shapiro, the Atlanta-based television personality and radio host, criticized Bennett for spending time on his cell phone during Georgia's national championship parade, during which his outfit went viral, on Saturday. 

"Stetson Bennett needed someone to tell him to get off his damn phone during a parade and to show some graciousness and appreciation to the fans that were sitting in that stadium," Shapiro tweeted. "You want to crush the media you think were mean to you do it in a press conference."

A few hours later, Bennett responded. He didn't hold anything back while doing so.

First, the 25-year-old Bennett joked about his age. He then tweeted a lengthy statement explaining that he was using his phone to play music — while making his thoughts on Shapiro very clear in the process.

That included calling Shapiro "Mr. Med(ium) Rare" and writing "I don't like you very much, Mr. Steak 'and shake' Shapiro. But to be fair, I'm not a fan of your work either."

"Mr. Med Rare," Bennett wrote. "One phone was mine. Was phone was connected to the Bluetooth. Mine had the playlists. The other had the aux. I appreciate your concern with my image/intentions/loyalties/obligations (as well as your willingness to reach out to me to confirm them), you obviously thought quite deeply about some motives I might've had. To help fill in some holes though can I give you the 'inside' scoop? Parades are a symbol of celebration, and while last year's was a celebration of that championship, this year's parade was a celebration of a very special period of time (for me? Of course there is the possibility that I'm wrong). And while we as a team very much so appreciate the fans, we as individuals appreciate our teammates. Ya know, the ones we've broken bones and torn ligaments and bled for, and cried and changed and grown and laughed with for years now. So to help you fill in those damned holes: team (group) celebrate with fans (group) in big parade. Teammate (individual) celebrate with teammate (individual) in small personal car. Guess which one I am. Teammate, yep! Knew you'd color quick. So to finish it off nice and neat: I was controlling the aux and playing bangers so sed and Chris and I could have a blast on our last ride into Sanford. That's pretty much the gist of it."

Clearly, there's some history between Bennett and Shapiro. For what it's worth, Bennett did offer an apology to any fans who felt unappreciated.

After being named the MVP of the national championship game for the second season in a row, Bennett is now off to the NFL. 

But he made sure to get some shots in on his way out the door.